Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Best of the Year

These are some example of my best photographs from the past year, note, none of these photos have have been altered in any way.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I realize I haven't posted photos in we'll a while, but I just wanted to say, I will never edit my photos with any photo editing programs, the only "editing" I will ever do is choosing the best of the photos I have to upload. Other than that, none of my photos have been touched or altered in any way.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hi, I'm not sure if any actually looks at this blog but if there is one beautiful person that does, I love you, anyway its been a while since I've uploaded photos and I apologize and I'll try to take photos more often anyway here is one that I took at my brothers wedding, no flash, caught the flash off of someone else's camera, absolutely love it when that happens, but same camera tried my mom's telephoto which are harder to use than I expected but oh so much fun. I believe this was 800 ISO or probably 1600 actually it was a very very poorly lit venue but it happens. Anyway I promise I'll try to upload more photos and if you want more information on this photo just email me, which will also prove to me that someone actually looks at this blog. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Location: Lebanon New Hampshire Green
Time/Date: 21 October 2012 at 11:08
Description: A simple photo of fall foliage in the North East
Taken With: Cannon EOS Rebel Xti 
Focus: Manual 
Exposure Time: 1/200 sec.
ISO: 200
F Stop: f/10
Subject: Emmit Wurm
Location: The Sharon Academy "Pit"
Time/Date: 16 October 2012 at 10:39
Description: A portrait of Emmit Wurm helping his mother prepare for another one of the many TSA bake sales
Taken With: Cannon EOS Rebel Xti
Focus: Manual
Exposure Time: 1/100 sec.
ISO: 400
F Stop: f/7.1

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Location: The Sharon Academy Art Room
Time/Date: Around 4pm on October 2nd
Description: This photo is of a student made mobile currently in construction
Taken With: Cannon EOS Rebel Xti 
Focus: Manual 
Exposure Time: 1/100 sec
ISO: 400
F Stop: f/6.3

Location: Sharon VT
Time/Date: Around 5:30ish pm on October 3rd
Description: This photo shows our gradual change into Autumn
Taken With: Cannon EOS Rebel Xti 
Focus: Manual 
Exposure Time: 1/40sec
ISO: 400
F Stop: f/5.6